Focussed Retail Productivity Studies

Uncover opportunity, qualify and quantify time and value in specific areas of your operation with Focussed Retail Productivity Studies.
Are you facing these business pains?
- You know you have opportunities in specific areas of your operation, but don’t know how to address them and safely deliver benefit through process optimisation.
- You are implementing new systems or processes, and require an assessment of their effectiveness and implementation of your stores. The business requires validation of the business case.
- An understanding is required into a specific role within your stores, and you require insight on the activities and tasks that are currently being undertaken. Do they add value?
- You want to add more structure to your in-store operation, defining ‘day in the life’ and ‘week in the life’ activities. However, you need to understand the costs and benefits.
- The business has fixed allowances for particular roles, for example, Store Management. However you haven’t quantified the actual hours required to complete them. Are you deploying more hours than required?
How can SWL help?
SWL’s Focussed Retail Productivity Studies offer a deep-dive solution for any retailer wanting to understand, qualify and quantify specific task areas, roles and functions within their operation. They provide the business with data-fact to ensure that every area of the store operation adds value to the customer journey and is being conducted most efficiency. SWL’s Focussed Productivity Studies act as a catalyst for change as they enable quantification of the optimal ‘TO BE’ processes for best operations, service and cost.
What business benefits can you expect?
- The organisation has clarity and certainty that specific known-pains have been addressed and are being conducted more efficiency and effectively in stores.
- Specific roles in stores are optimised and tailored to the current operational and customer landscapes. This ensures they add most value to the business.
- New software and systems can be landed successfully and ‘right-first-time’ in stores with minimal disruption to store teams and customers.
- Business cases can be validated for new ways of working, processes and systems. This gives the business certainty that they are investing correctly.
- Retail Operations can build relevant and specific ‘Day in the life of’ and ‘Week in the life of’ plans and guidance for specific roles. This ensures standardisation across the store estate and enhances productivity.
- The business can safely change and adapt tasks, processes and ways of working without causing risk or harm to the customer journey and CX.
What do our customers say?
We embarked on a Focus Study Project with SWL to specifically capture and understand the activities of our Store Management Teams. This gave us the data and insight to be able to deploy the right Management hours to stores and ensure consistency in operations at every location via the implementation of ‘Day in the life’ guidance.
Productivity Lead, Telecommunications Retailer
Want to know more?
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