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 +44 (0)1527 895 020

Powering data-driven decisions for supermarkets and convenience

CustomerCensus: Decodes customer behaviour on-site to measurably enhance customer experience and maximise profits

CustomerCensus: Decoding customer behaviour on-site to measurably enhance customer experience and maximise profits

Are you facing these business pains?

  • Declining Sales & Footfall: Lacking a robust data-driven strategy to increase customer numbers and spending.
  • Ineffective Store Displays: No real-time measurement of the impact of your promotions and displays effects upon your in-store customer
  • Missed Opportunities: Loss of sales due to unmanaged queues, underutilised space and uncertainty around which products to promote.
  • Insufficient Customer Insights: Failing to capture crucial data on customer behaviour, including on-site activity, dwell times and purchasing behaviour.
  • Marketing Blind Spots: Struggling to optimise marketing spend without clear insights into target demographics and customer preferences.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Inability to accurately monitor queue lengths, hot & cold spots on-site, or pinpoint when service levels are at risk.

How SWL can help

While eCommerce platforms effortless track, monitor and utilise customer data, brick-and-mortar sites have traditionally faced limited options for data collection. Customer data captured from loyalty platforms offer limited insights into customer behaviour, focusing primarily on point-of-sale transactions and basic personal details. This approach means leadership miss out on a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour, on-site activity, and product engagement.

SWL’s CustomerCensus solution is a cutting-edge, smart camera system that performs detailed footfall analytics and decodes customer behaviour on-site in real-time. Built with privacy in mind, data is processed on the edge; no photos or videos are stored, while valuable data insights are available instantly, on age, gender, shopping groups, missions and more.

CustomerCensus illuminates the dark data of the customer journey that would otherwise go unaccounted for. From entry to exit, it provides valuable insights throughout the entire customer journey.

What business benefits can you expect?

  • Real-time on-site customer analytics versus industry benchmarking.
  • Complete category analysis of products, detailing which demographic groups and products drive the highest sales.
  • Comprehensive understanding of your different customer profiles and how they engage and interact with promotions and products on-site.
  • Improved space productivity – measured view of which parts of your site and which displays are underperforming and why.
  • Evaluation of marketing effectiveness, allowing you to tailor promotions by customer profile, helping uplift sales and conversion.
  • Improved queue and service management.
  • Instant alert capabilities when KPIs are at risk of not being met.

With SWL’s CustomerCensus solution, you will gain invaluable insights into customer behaviour and footfall analytics that drive strategic decisions, enhance the customer experience, and maximise profits. SWL’s Customer Insights solution ensures you stay ahead of the competition by leveraging real-time data to optimise every aspect of your visitor journey.

Want to better understand your customers?

Find out how CustomerCensus can revolutionise your customer journey through advanced footfall analytics and comprehensive insights into customer behaviour. Why not book a no-commitment discovery call?

Complete the form below or contact us on +44 (0)1527 895020.

    Footfall Analysis & Customer Behaviour - CustomerCensus

    Learn about SWL’s other solutions by visiting our Retail Solutions & CX Solutions pages or follow us on LinkedIn.